

Posted by Mr. Robot | October 12th, 2018 | No responses


Stranger things have happened. We walk into a thrift store and randomly sort through all of those vintage clothes to see if we can find something that fits the style we are looking for. What would you know, we find some pretty interesting clothes that came from another time and another place. We head on over to check out, and boom, under 10 dollars we put a look together. Then we mosey on over to the local beauty shop called Marbles. We meet some incredible beauticians there who work their hair and make magic to create what you see here.


Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985



The awesomeness that was the 80s. Arcades, laser beams, high contrast colors, lambos and outrun style graphics. Did I mention De Loreans? Oh how awesome it would be to capture those moments again. So if I can bring a little taste of retro into the new millennium, then for crying out loud I will be doing that.


Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985


Set up.

Tools of the trade here are the Profoto D1 strobes with some light modifiers. I have a three point lighting setup where my main light is a beauty dish silver reflector, and fill light is a D1 with a 20 degree grid, and then there is a rim light with a 5 degree grid. From the bottom there is a Profoto A1 off camera flash.


Moera Creative Photography 1985 Moera Creative Photography 1985


What’s next?

These photos seem to have quite a liking in our instagram posts, so maybe I will continue to follow up on the 80’s retro scene. I would like to see an exploration of the arcade style with an even crazier hairstyle. The thrift store is nearby so maybe we just might find something else that screams for our attention.



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