Posted by Mr. Robot | September 27th, 2014 | No responses
No, not Christina, but I am almost certain she owns an iPhone 6 plus. The latest controversy in the Apple arsenal is the infamous “Bend Gate” that originally spawned from the term “Antennae Gate” which plagued the iPhone 4. They wrote a song about it. Like to hear it? Here it goes.
Steve Jobs addressed the issue and created the free iPhone case program. Consumers who were unhappy could return their iPhone 4, or receive a free bumper/case to neutralize the antennae gate problems. Many quickly registered to receive their free bumpers, but it quickly raised eyebrows by consumers worldwide. Fast forward to a few iPhone generations later, and we now have a new problem at hand.
Bendgate has quickly become the topic of social media due to reported cases of bent iPhone 6 Plus. Apple products are not cheap, or at least I mean to say that they are expensive to purchase, but are not supposed to be cheap in quality. However many consumers are beginning to question the quality of Apple products. YouTube videos are popping up with examples of the bendgate controversy. Some are going as far as bending the iPhone 6 plus display models at the Apple stores. I visited my local Apple Store here in town to see this iPhone 6 Plus personally, and I was amazed that the demo model was not available. I can only imagine the worse.
The bendgate news is a day that will live long in infamy as Apple fans line up for hours to buy the iPhone of their dreams, only to have buyer’s remorse as they carefully cradle their expensive devices. I can see the future now. The battle between Android and Apple will have its below the belt arguments, and even if word gets around, Apple can take a punch well. They’ve hit records for the preorders, and apparently only about 9 people have returned their phones with these bending issues. The number of people taking up yoga world wide has increased, so it is possible that those people do not mind a bendy-stretchy iPhone, or maybe there really is no issue. I mean 9 bent out of millions of iPhone 6’s is nothing right?
I suppose if you purchased a bigger phone, you better realize that squeezing a phone that size into your jean pocket is bound to have some issues with comfort. Apple consumers have been asking for a bigger phone, and to many, this was the answer to their wishes.
A year or so ago, I purchased the Sony Xperia Ultra Z smart phablet. The damn thing was so large, that just carrying it around was always an inconvenience. I struggled with that damn phone every time, not to mention it looked ridiculous putting it to my ear just to answer a call. It was a very cool phone, but even after a few months of carrying it around, it received a few scuff marks here and there, but no bends though. With all the controversy, we see arguments on both sides. I am all for listening to the facts of the issues at hand. The videos out there are compelling as far as the durability of this phone is concerned. Some viewers are not convinced that seeing is believing, and others suggest that bending a phone on purpose is idiotic. It’s sad faces for everyone with high expectations, and I wonder if all this negative publicity will affect the build quality of the iPhone 6 plus in the future, or if Apple will continue to pursue the large screen market. Conspiracy theorists have their own tales to tell such as the infamous bendgate frown. See for yourself. Is it a coincidence that it mirrors Tim Cook’s frowny face?
I’ve been using Apple products for years now, and I do remember waiting in line two hours for the original iPhone back in 2007. I paid 600 or so dollars for it, and I was amazed by the technology. But I had a purpose for this phone. Being an application designer myself, I knew the investment would pay off in the long run. I was going to learn Apple’s culture, methodology, and apply it to user experiences in future designs. It was a necessity for me to pick up every iPhone generation from then on out. Nowadays, it has become a status quo, and I am afraid to fall into that brain dead category that would make any Kardashian envious. You won’t see me camping out over any of Apple’s new products, but I still understand the fandom and excitement it creates for the people pursuing the latest in Apple tech.
As lovers of technology, I say wait in line for as long as you want. Go ahead and call in sick for work, and make your way to the Apple Store. Pick up a 6 plus, put it in your pocket, carry it in your purse, drop it, bend it, what ever the hell you want. Who cares what YouTube or Consumer Reports say, it’s your money after all.