Moera Creative Birthday Photography Frisco Texas

Talk Thirty to Me

Posted by Mr. Robot | April 22nd, 2022 | No responses

You are old.

As soon as you turn thirty, you might as well count it as ancient. Some people don’t age very well, while other age like a fine wine. People tend to gather around an expensive cake. On top of that cake are candles. Each waxy stick representing a year of your life. So, the tradition is for you to blow out these candles while making a wish. What do you wish for? Well, you can’t tell anyone because if you do, the wish wont come true. What about reverse beneficial wishing? I mean by that rationale you could wish to never be rich, tell someone, then it wont come true. Bingo! Now you’re set for life on your fifth birthday.


Ok, back on topic. I was invited to photograph the 30th birthday celebration of this young lady (young being relative here) in the city of grapes. A surprise birthday party at that, complete with fancy background balloons, a dj, good food, and even some dancing. Now, I wont make a big story out of this, because the event was a run and gun type of photo shoot. It was fairly straight forward.

What’s in my bag?? Gear: Packing a Nikon D850, a Nikkor 24/70mm, OCF Profoto A1, and the B10 strobes.

So here are some of the results of the night.

Other contributors to follow: Leatha Sims Balloons by MumStar


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